We are excited to be welcoming back summer and have been enjoying seeing our community members and supporters in-person. As we make our way through the end of June, we continue to be humbled by the generosity of our partners and donors.
Thank you for your time, your support and your partnership with us to ensure the end-of-life receives the same beauty, care and respect as the beginning, by making moments matter.

Great Canadian Giving Challenge
There is less than one week left in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge where we are raising funds to help support our community programs. Until June 30th, each donation made online gives us a chance to win $20,000.
Our goal is to raise $10,000, which means raising $5,000 to maximize our $5,000 Matching Sponsor donation from Bruce Power for a total of $10,000. Donate now and help us reach our goal to maximize our matching sponsorship and DOUBLE your impact!
These community programs could support our potential residents at end-of-life, or provide grief recovery support to friends and family grieving the loss of a loved one.
Thank you to all those who have already donated. If you, or someone you know would like to help us support our community members through our Grief Recovery Program, End-of-Life Doula Services, Legacy Planning Workshops and Death Cafes, please donate at: https://www.huronshoreshospice.ca/great-canadian-giving-challenge. Donate before July 1st to double your impact and help us win $20,000.
Thank you to Matching Sponsor, Bruce Power, for your amazing partnership.

Generous Support from Bervie Women's Institute and Ripley Lions Club
On June 1st, 2022, the Bervie Women's Institute celebrated their 115th anniversary. Huron Shores Hospice was invited to attend the event where we were presented with a $20,000 donation. We are so grateful to be chosen as the recipient of this significant donation made possible by the sale of the Bervie Women's Institute building last year.
Huron Shores Hospice received a second major donation in June made by the Ripley Lions Club. The Ripley Lions Club hosted their first annual "Golf for a Cause" tournament at Ainsdale Golf Course on May 27th and presented Huron Shores Hospice with a donation of $10,000 on June 9th. Our sincere thanks and gratitude goes out to the Ripley Lions Club for organizing and hosting this event, and to all the golfers and sponsors who participated, making this fundraising event so successful.
Huron Shores Hospice has an annual operating budget of over $400,000 for the two suites. The ministry funds less than one-third of our annual budget, leaving over $310,000 to be raised by the community. Huron Shores Hospice truly remains a community hospice with the delivery of services made possible by the generosity of it's supporters.
Thank you Bervie Women's Institute, Ripley Lions Club and all of our supporters for partnering with us to ensure quality end-of-life care is available for our friends, family and neighbours, right here at home.

Catch the Ace - Jackpot OVER $8,300!
Tickets are available for the electronic Catch the Ace lottery from Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. until the next Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. The draw is made on Tuesdays between 4:45 and 5:00 p.m. with the winner announced on Facebook at 6:00 p.m.
When you buy tickets, you will also pick an envelope that might contain the Ace of Spades. If your ticket number comes up, you will win 20% of that week’s ticket sales. If your card in the envelope is the Ace of Spades, you will win the Catch the Ace Progressive Jackpot. The weekly draws continue until someone catches the Ace of Spades!
Jackpot is over $8,300! Things are getting very interesting with only 14 envelopes left to open. One of which houses the Ace of Spades.
Purchase your tickets at http://www.catchtheacehsh.ca/. Please ensure you turn on your location services to buy a ticket. Instructions to do so are in the FAQ section on the website.
Catch the Ace is a fun way to support our cause. Join in on all the Catch the Ace fun each Tuesday! Thank you for your awesome support.

Handbags for Hospice Returns This Fall!
Planning for the 2022 Handbags for Hospice event is in full swing and we can't wait to welcome all our guests back to this important fundraising event. We are calling on "The Power of the Purse" as we aim to raise $160,000 in support of Huron Shores Hospice.
Tickets will be $65.00 and will go on sale August 5th, 2022 at 7:30 am.
Stay tuned in to our website, Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram pages to get the most up-to-date information!

Day of Care
Everyone’s lives are made up of special days, days that we will always remember. We have launched the "Day of Care" campaign as a way for our donors to share a special day for their company, business or individual lives, while covering the operational costs for a day in the hospice suites.
Our Day of Care sponsorship allows community members, businesses, organizations and families to help support the daily caregiving needs of our residents by donating the cost of operating a single suite for one day. The date can be chosen by the donor and may be a day that is meaningful to them, their family, business or organization.
Each sponsored Day of Care will be recognized both in suite, with a logo on the door, and on our social media channels with the opportunity to share the meaning behind the date chosen.
If you, or someone you know would like to sponsor a Day of Care, please email info@huronshoreshospice.ca.
Thank you to our June Day of Care sponsors:
June 1st - 30th, Bervie Women's Institute, Trillium Suite
June 1st, Sargent Lundy, Tranquility Suite
June 10th, NPX, Tranquility Suite
June 14th, Kincardine Lions Club, Tranquility Suite

Join us for our Death Cafe July 15th at the Port Elgin Library.
Please register by emailing mckenzie@huronshoreshospice.ca